Conducting VR training programmes in oil & gas

by | Jun 30, 2024

Nothing beats practical training. But what happens when hands-on training becomes costly, difficult to arrange or access, or even dangerous? This is the situation oil and gas service personnel face. Training within this sector is crucial, especially as technology develops and the industry expands its equipment and operations. Virtual reality is proving an effective way of organising and delivering practical training across the sector. We look at the particular challenges facing training within the oil and gas industry and explore the ways VR can ensure educational and instructional materials and modules are delivered effectively and safely.

The challenge of providing training in the oil and gas industry

There are many challenges impeding the delivery of safe, reliable training within the oil and gas industry. High costs are a significant factor. Fields are often inaccessible by methods other than helicopters or motorboats, and teams are often required to stay there for days at a time. Training means flying personnel to rigs and arranging accommodation – both of which attract costs. Equipment used in the sector is also remarkable in its complexity. Rigs operate on dozens of mechanisms and machines which carry out difficult tasks. The resources needed to install this equipment on a training site are considerable – so it’s no surprise companies wouldn’t install machinery just for training.

Oil and gas works are, by nature, incredibly hazardous. It’s not uncommon for experienced personnel to injure themselves – and injuries are more likely if a worker is inexperienced. Within the sector, it’s crucial training is immersive and delivered on-site. This ensures workers will have the capacity to respond to emergencies, to prioritise tasks, and think strategically. Practical training encourages trainees to use all their senses, to prepare them for real-life situations, and to demonstrate their proficiency – something that classroom training just can’t match.

How VR training can help the oil and gas industry

It’s not surprising that these challenges have led companies within the sector to turn towards other methods of training, with VR as a standout option. VR offers incredible opportunities and solutions to the issues faced by trainers and companies within the industry. It allows for environments and conditions to be recreated so that trainees can be fully immersed in a virtual copy, or “digital twin”, of the rig or field. With VR, companies can facilitate practical training on the premises without the costs of transport or the risks of exposure.

The key benefit of VR training in oil and gas is improved safety. Trainers and trainees can engage in classes and modules in remote environments free of risk, and these exercises can be repeated over and over until the trainee develops confidence and competency. Training can be customised and tailored to particular students’ requirements and needs. Trainees who use VR are also seen to internalise knowledge more quickly, as they retain what they learn for longer and can have any mistakes corrected as soon as they arise. Assessments are also much more streamlined in virtual reality, with trainers able to collect accurate data to certify or grade a student. If you’re keen to experience the possibilities of VR within your oil and gas training, get in touch with 3D Walkabout today. Our team of creatives and AR/VR experts is ready to discuss your needs and craft a tailored solution to exceed your expectations.

Summary: Exploring VR Training in the Oil & Gas Sector

High costs, inaccessibility, and the complexity of equipment pose challenges to practical training in the oil and gas industry, often requiring expensive travel and accommodation.

Safety is paramount in the hazardous oil and gas sector, making immersive, on-site training essential for emergency response, task prioritization, and strategic thinking.

Virtual Reality (VR) training emerges as a solution to these challenges, offering immersive, cost-effective environments that replicate rigs and fields, eliminating transport costs and exposure risks.

VR training enhances safety by providing risk-free, repeatable exercises, customized learning experiences, and faster knowledge retention, with real-time error correction.

Assessments in VR are streamlined, enabling trainers to collect precise data for certification or grading, making it a valuable tool for oil and gas training needs.


Is VR training cost effective?

When it comes to training and education, virtual reality (VR) can be a cost-effective alternative to traditional classroom lectures. VR lets students experience a real-life scenario in a safe environment that’s not only more engaging but also more cost-efficient.

Is VR training good?

Virtual reality (VR) training is a great way to train employees. It can be used for training employees on how to use a specific piece of equipment or software, as well as teaching them how to perform their jobs in the real world. It’s also useful for educating employees on how to handle a new situation or scenario.

How virtual reality is used in training?

Virtual reality is used in training to simulate real-world situations. It can be used to train a variety of skills, from operating heavy machinery to flying an aeroplane. This is accomplished by using a headset that has built-in headphones, which allow the user to hear what’s going on around them. The headset also blocks out all other sounds.

How do you start virtual reality training?

The first step in virtual reality training is to decide what kind of experience you want to provide your employees with. Do you want them to have an immersive experience with 3D visuals? Do you want them to feel like they’re there? Or do you just want them to learn how different tools work?

What is virtual reality training?

Virtual reality (VR) training is a way to train employees using computer-generated environments that mimic real-world situations. These environments can be created with video game engines or 3D modelling software, and they can be used to simulate any number of scenarios.


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