XR & 3D for Engineering & Manufacturing


We are an Australian creative studio that creates ‘XR’ content and applications for the Engineering & Manufacturing industry. We us the latest in 3D, VR, AR, MR & Scanning technologies to help organisations in this sector train their workforce & engage with their clients.

XR Technologies for Engineering & Manufacturing


XR technologies, such as virtual and augmented reality, can provide realistic, hands-on training experiences for employees. With XR, employees can simulate operating complex machinery and equipment in a safe and controlled environment, reducing the risk of accidents and improving overall efficiency. Furthermore, XR can be used in the design and prototyping stages to help engineers visualize and test their products before production, reducing errors and improving final products. The use of XR technologies in engineering and manufacturing can lead to more efficient and effective training, better product design, and increased productivity, making it a valuable investment for businesses in the industry.

Learn about the technologies we offer for Engineering & Manufacturing


The use of VR simulations in the manufacturing sector can help familirise staff with complex machinery and equipment whilst improving learning outcomes.


The use of AR overlays on machinery can help workers easily identify issues and receive step-by-step instructions, leading to faster repairs and improved efficiency.


MR can be used to enhance manufacturing processes by overlaying virtual models and information onto the real world, providing workers with better insights and improving accuracy.


3D rendering can be used to create virtual models of products and machinery, allowing for better visualization and testing during the design phase.


We can create web-based 3D simulations to help train employees in complex manufacturing processes and equipment operation, reducing the need for physical training and improving learning outcomes.


3D scanning can help streamline the manufacturing process by allowing engineers to create digital models of parts and prototypes, speeding up the design and testing phases.