3D Medical Animations


Whether you are looking for a marketing video to showcase a new medical health facility or requiring an animation to help people understand some new equipment or procedure 3D animations can help tell your story.

3D Medical Animations

Enhance your medical and healthcare presentations with our state-of-the-art 3D animation services. Our detailed animations provide clear, visually engaging representations of complex medical procedures, anatomy, and healthcare products, making it easier for professionals to communicate intricate concepts to patients, investors, and staff. These animations are invaluable for medical training, patient education, and marketing, allowing for a deeper understanding and retention of information. 

3D Animations | Residential | Commercial | Products | Virtual Reality | Sports & Recreation | Medical | Oil & Gas

Just some of our latest 3D Commercial Animations

Medical VR Training
This is a headset screen recording from a recent medical VR application we completed for our client. As you can see in the video it simulates the real-world situation in hyper-realism. These types of VR simulations allow medical staff to train on complex procedures in a zero risk environment and learn practical task through repetition.
Buranda Health Hub
Buranda Health Hub (BHH). The facility is intended to provide a comprehensive medical service to the Brisbane community suitable for specialised health practitioners, researchers, consultants and allied health providers.
RDX Health Precinct
Lumina is a commercial cluster dedicated to life sciences, health and technology-related businesses. We were commissioned to create a 3D animation to showcase the development to stakeholders.

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