Activity-based training in VR

by | Aug 4, 2024

Computer-generated simulated training has been in use within the military sector for decades. It affords military personnel the opportunity to train in supportive, controlled and safe environments while also creating a platform for innovation to test new weapons or strategy development. The limits of computer-based training are met and surpassed by virtual reality, which allows for multi-user, immersive activity-based training experiences that place the user within a range of real-life scenarios. We take a closer look at VR training techniques and how they can be applied to activity-based training exercises.

The key advantage of virtual reality training is the opportunity it gives military personnel to learn crucial skills needed to respond to and survive within high-pressure, diverse, complex and hazardous environments. Traditional training incorporates staged exercises which, although part of general onboarding and upskilling courses, are not without the threat of injury or even death. Trainees can practice drills and exercises within a controlled space with no risk of hazardous consequences. They’ll be able to refine their decision-making and combat skills when facing particular scenarios and navigating strategic thinking.

How can this be applied to activity-based training? As VR training incorporates haptic technology, it offers incredible advantages for activity-related training. Weapons handling is a necessary part of military training, as is performing complex and risky activities such as emergency response, parachute jumps, and working within confined equipment spaces such as tanks or submarines. VR technology allows this training to be undertaken in risk-free environments, with great opportunities for repeat exercises and in-depth feedback without the added costs of repeat classes or hiring a trainer for extended periods.

VR training is collaborative by nature, and this has great benefits when carrying out activity-based exercises. Personnel have the opportunity to train together, meaning they’ll learn how to work interdependently and will be able to measure the impact their decisions and actions may have on others. This also makes it much easier to train multiple recruits at once – a particular advantage when rolling out practical activity-based training exercises. As VR training is scalable, trainers are able to accurately measure the performance of individual recruits and provide appropriate feedback and support.

With changes to technology and training delivery, it’s never been a better time for the military sector to invest in virtual reality. VR ensures military personnel are equipped with the skills, resources and knowledge to address the inherent challenges and complexities of their environment. While we can’t expect VR and other immersive technologies to completely replace traditional training methods, they do make activity-based training simpler, more innovative and engaging, and able to be delivered on a large-scale basis to recruits all over the world. At 3D Walkabout, we’re passionate about helping organisations and businesses across a range of sectors experience the benefits of virtual and augmented reality. If you’re curious as to how VR training techniques can benefit you and your team, get in touch with us today to learn more about our team and services and to determine a plan tailored to your particular needs and goals.

Summary: How Is VR Transforming Activity-Based Military Training Methods?

Virtual reality offers safe, immersive military training experiences.

It eliminates risks in training exercises, allowing practice of crucial skills.

Collaborative VR training enhances teamwork and efficiency.

Scalability enables precise performance measurement and feedback.

VR complements traditional methods, making training innovative and accessible.


Is VR training cost effective?

When it comes to training and education, virtual reality (VR) can be a cost-effective alternative to traditional classroom lectures. VR lets students experience a real-life scenario in a safe environment that’s not only more engaging but also more cost-efficient.

Is VR training good?

Virtual reality (VR) training is a great way to train employees. It can be used for training employees on how to use a specific piece of equipment or software, as well as teaching them how to perform their jobs in the real world. It’s also useful for educating employees on how to handle a new situation or scenario.

How virtual reality is used in training?

Virtual reality is used in training to simulate real-world situations. It can be used to train a variety of skills, from operating heavy machinery to flying an aeroplane. This is accomplished by using a headset that has built-in headphones, which allow the user to hear what’s going on around them. The headset also blocks out all other sounds.

How do you start virtual reality training?

The first step in virtual reality training is to decide what kind of experience you want to provide your employees with. Do you want them to have an immersive experience with 3D visuals? Do you want them to feel like they’re there? Or do you just want them to learn how different tools work?

What is virtual reality training?

Virtual reality (VR) training is a way to train employees using computer-generated environments that mimic real-world situations. These environments can be created with video game engines or 3D modelling software, and they can be used to simulate any number of scenarios.


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