Drone videos, Panoramas & 3D Mapping


At 3D Walkabout we utilise drones to capture 3D imagery for virtual tours, map areas in 3D using photogrammetry and to capture 2D and 360 video for VR experiences & applications.

Drone Capture

Drones have revolutionised the way we capture aerial imagery, and at 3D Walkabout we find they are particularly valuable for capturing 360 aerial panoramas for virtual tours, 3D mapping sites and buildings using photogrammetry, and capturing 2D & 360 video content for virtual reality (VR) experiences. With their maneuverability and high-resolution cameras, drones can effortlessly capture stunning 360-degree views from any desired altitude and angle. This enables businesses to showcase their locations in an immersive and visually captivating manner. 360 panoramic tours provide potential customers with a realistic sense of the surroundings, allowing them to explore the space virtually. This technology can greatly enhance communication and marketing efforts by providing an interactive and engaging experience that effectively promotes and highlights a business’s unique offerings.

What are the benefits of drone content for your business?

Immersive Visual Experience: Drones enable the creation of 360 panoramas, allowing businesses to offer immersive virtual tours that provide an engaging and realistic visual experience for potential customers.

Cost-Effective Solution: Utilising drones for capturing 360 panoramas, mapping areas in 3D, and capturing video content is a cost-effective alternative to traditional methods, such as hiring helicopters or employing manual surveying techniques.

Enhanced Marketing Potential: By showcasing their locations through virtual tours and 360 panoramas, businesses can effectively market their products, services, and facilities, attracting a wider audience and increasing customer engagement.

Collaborative Planning: 3D mapping using photogrammetry enables businesses to collaborate more effectively during the planning stages. Accurate and detailed 3D maps provide a shared visual reference, facilitating discussions and decision-making.

Realistic Visualisation: The combination of 360 panoramas, 3D mapping, and VR video content offers a realistic visualization of spaces. This allows businesses to communicate their vision, architectural designs, and layouts more effectively to clients, investors, or team members.

Remote Access and Showcasing: With virtual tours and 360 panoramas, businesses can showcase their locations to clients or investors remotely, eliminating the need for physical visits and making it easier to reach a global audience.

Interactive and Engaging Content: Drones enable the creation of interactive and engaging content, such as interactive hotspots within virtual tours or interactive 3D models, fostering deeper customer engagement and interest.

Enhanced Communication: Utilising drones for capturing 360 panoramas and VR content improves communication between teams, clients, and stakeholders by providing a visual representation that is easy to understand and interpret.

Unique Selling Point: By incorporating drone-captured 360 panoramas, 3D mapping, and VR content, businesses can differentiate themselves from competitors, offering a unique and memorable experience for customers and clients.

Scalability and Flexibility: Drones provide scalability and flexibility in capturing 360 panoramas and 3D mapping. They can cover large areas quickly and efficiently, making them suitable for various applications, from small businesses to large-scale projects.

How are drones currently being used by businesses in Australia?

Drones have gained significant popularity among Australian businesses due to their versatility and numerous applications. In various industries, drones are being utilised to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and improve safety standards.

One prominent sector that extensively employs drones is agriculture. Australian farmers are leveraging drone technology to monitor crops, assess irrigation needs, and identify potential issues such as pest infestations or diseases. Drones equipped with multispectral cameras can capture detailed images of crops, allowing farmers to make informed decisions and optimize their yield. Additionally, drones aid in mapping terrain, measuring land and water resources, and even spraying fertilizers or pesticides precisely, reducing costs and minimizing environmental impact.

Another area where drones have made a significant impact is infrastructure inspection. Companies involved in construction, engineering, and infrastructure maintenance employ drones to conduct aerial surveys, monitor construction progress, and inspect hard-to-reach structures such as bridges and towers. By utilising drones, businesses can avoid the need for costly and time-consuming manual inspections, ensuring the safety and integrity of critical infrastructure.

In the real estate industry, drones are transforming the way properties are marketed. Real estate agents utilise drones to capture stunning aerial footage and 360-degree panoramas of properties, providing potential buyers with a comprehensive view of the surroundings. This immersive experience enhances the marketing potential of properties, attracting more interest and enabling remote buyers to make informed decisions.

Drones have found applications in the delivery and logistics sector. Companies like Wing, a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc., have successfully implemented drone delivery services in select Australian regions. These drones provide efficient and quick delivery of small packages, particularly in remote or difficult-to-access areas.

Virtual Reality Information Pack & Price List

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Drone Case Studies

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of using drone footage in VR applications?

Drone footage enhances the immersive experience of VR by providing dynamic and engaging aerial perspectives, particularly for outdoor or large-scale locations.

How can drone footage be used in VR applications?

Drone footage can be converted into a VR-compatible format, allowing users to experience aerial views and explore virtual environments from unique perspectives.

What are the best practices for incorporating drone content into business operations in Australia?

It is important to ensure compliance with CASA regulations, prioritize safety during drone operations, invest in high-quality equipment, work with experienced drone operators or videographers, and integrate the captured content effectively into your marketing and business strategies.

Can drone content be used for property inspections and real estate marketing in Australia?

Yes, drones can capture high-quality aerial photos, videos, and 360 panoramas, which can be used for property inspections, real estate listings, and marketing materials to showcase properties and attract potential buyers.

How can drone content be incorporated into training and educational materials for businesses?

Drone videos, photos, and 360 panoramas can enhance training and educational materials by providing visual and interactive content, helping to illustrate concepts, procedures, or real-world scenarios.

How can drone 3D mapping contribute to efficient asset management for Australian businesses?

Drone 3D mapping enables businesses to create detailed and up-to-date 3D models of their assets, such as buildings or infrastructure, providing valuable insights for maintenance, inspections, and asset management.

What industries in Australia can benefit from drone 3D mapping?

Industries such as construction, engineering, urban planning, and land surveying can leverage drone 3D mapping to accurately capture terrain data, monitor progress, and facilitate project planning and analysis.

What are the benefits of hiring a professional drone operator or videographer?

Hiring a professional operator or videographer with expertise in drone operations and content capture can ensure high-quality results, compliance with regulations, and a seamless workflow, saving you time and effort.

Can I legally use drones to capture content for my business in Australia?

Yes, you can use drones for commercial purposes in Australia, but you need to adhere to the rules and regulations set by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA).