Virtual Reality Development Perth


We are an Perth based VR studio creating VR applications for business across Western Australia. For VR Development Perth get in touch and brainstorm your ideas with our local team.

VR Development

Virtual Reality (VR) technology is making a significant impact on businesses in Perth across various industries. In the real estate sector, VR allows property developers and agents to offer immersive virtual property tours, enabling potential buyers to explore homes and commercial spaces remotely. Retailers can create virtual shopping experiences, providing customers in Perth with an interactive and convenient way to browse products. The tourism industry can utilise VR to showcase popular attractions, allowing travellers to preview destinations and experiences. In the education and training sectors, VR can offer immersive simulations and realistic training scenarios. Architects and interior designers in Perth can leverage VR to visualise and present design concepts to clients. By embracing VR technology, businesses in Perth can enhance customer engagement, improve decision-making, and differentiate themselves in the market.

What are the benefits of Virtual Reality for your business in Perth?

VR creates simulated environments, e.g. metaverses, for Western Australian businesses.

Virtual reality fulfils many purposes, such as training and development.

Applications can be customised to meet specific business needs.

It creates simulated environments for clients in Western Australia and beyond.

VR technology is affordable, making it accessible for Perth-based businesses.

Improve customer engagement and provides a more immersive experience.

VR can be used to improve company productivity in WA.

It helps employees learn new skills more quickly and effectively.

VR revolutionises the way businesses operate by streamlining business services.

Its benefits help Perth businesses achieve their goals and objectives.

What types of VR services do we offer?

VR development Perth. Our team of award winning VR designers, developers and CGI artists can help make your ideas a (virtual) reality. Whether you’d like to create a proof of concept to present to stakeholders or are ready to launch a full blown application to employees or clients then we can help. Give our team a call today and we’ll brainstorm your ideas and help formulate them into a defined plan with clear deliverables.

We specialise in building complex custom VR experiences and applications using the latest in game engine technology such as Unity and Unreal Engine. Bringing the latest in game engine functionality and features to help people experience real world environments. These platforms can then be used for a range of purposes from training and education to marketing and sales.

How is virtual reality used in Perth?

To list all of the immersive uses of VR is beyond the scope of this article. So, let’s focus on some of the uses most applicable to VR Perth and all of Australia. In construction, an industry where one mistake can seriously eat into profit margins, virtual reality can be used to streamline working practices. From City Link to Wellington Square and Waterbank to Elizabeth Quay by creating a virtual 3D structure it is possible to bring on board all stake holders in a construction project from the start.

It is possible to test a number of factors without the cost in time and energy of trying them out. This will reduce the number of errors in any project and decrease both costs and contingencies. It can also be very useful to test the viability of a project at an architectural level, way beyond that of a scale model. It allows anyone to experience the design, to use virtual reality to provide feedback that will create better and stronger buildings for the city of Perth, Australia.

In the world of business in Australia, immersive virtual reality can be used in a number of ways. From taking virtual tours of a business environment to 360˚ views of new products, it can help to streamline working practice, boost sales and detect problems at an early stage. Test out prototypes, train new employees more effectively and with minimal risk or use it to gain a greater degree of understanding of business data.

There are also uses of VR in healthcare and medicine, engineering, sport, media, culture and more. The list goes on and on. From virtual WA Museum experiences to immersive gaming, Perth can reap the rewards of virtual reality. But how do they do it?

How to build a virtual reality application?

As you can see, the VR arrival can be a major benefit for your business. But what are the best ways to utilise its power? Thanks to advances in technology and the advent of the smartphone, millions of us now have access to a convenient and effective virtual reality portal. Which makes VR apps the perfect delivery system. Just imagine being able to reach out to your customers, whether they’re sitting in a bus on the Mitchell Freeway a train on the Freemantle line or just relaxing on the couch at home in Langford. You can transport them from wherever they are to experience an immersive world of your creation. Once they have downloaded your app you can launch them into your world.

To create a successful app you will need to keep a few things in mind. Pay attention to scale between the person using the app and the environment you create. The larger and more encompassing the virtual world you create, the more realistic the VR experiences will be. Keep a focus on spatial audio and the overall aesthetics for a more believable user experience.

In order to create a successful virtual reality app it is always best to work with a dedicated developer in Australia, such as our team here at 3D Walkabout. If you lack the expertise to realise your virtual reality app, then we can help. We will work with you to identify your goals and ambitions, using the right VR software to create experiences that engage your customers. Contact us by phone or email to find out more.

Virtual Reality Information Pack & Price List

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VR Case Studies

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does PlayStation virtual reality cost?

In Australia, the PlayStation VR2 console is currently available to preorder, with prices ranging from $879 to $960.

Can you still buy PlayStation VR?

While the original PlayStation VR is still in production, it’s not currently available at any Australian retailers. The upcoming virtual reality headset, the Playstation VR2, is set for release on the 22nd of February 2023.

Does Sony do virtual reality?

Sony is indeed involved in the development and production of virtual reality (VR) technology. Sony has released several VR products, including the PlayStation VR headset, which allows users to experience immersive virtual environments.

In fact, Sony has been deeply involved in the VR and AR (augmented) reality scenes since 1996—and they’re showing no signs of slowing down. It has recently new VR goggles known as the PlayStation VR2, which will open up new opportunities for the current PlayStation 5 console.

Is HoloLens 2 VR or AR?

Hololens 2 is an AR system, with AR glasses differing from virtual reality headsets in one key way. A VR headset blocks out the world around the viewer, leaving only the view of the metaverse and graphical environment around them. Augmented reality glasses, meanwhile, are see-through and mean that people can see both the real world and the virtual landscape.

Is Meta going to be VR?

Yes. The Meta Quest 2 is leading the VR world with its immersive gaming and virtual experience opportunities. Meta’s also working on a high-end VR headset, under the codename “Project Cambria”. This headset will overtake the Quest in terms of its capabilities and will be more suitable for workers who could even replace their laptop or PC with this interactive hardware.

Does the HP Reverb work with SteamVR?

Yes, the HP Reverb is compatible with SteamVR. All you need to do is download and install the Steam app, plug in your HP Reverb G2, and launch the Steam app. Next, click the VR icon within the Steam interface and follow the instructions to connect your headset.

How do I use my HP VR headset?

The HP VR headset is easy to set up. Just connect your headset to a compatible computer using the included cables and install the required software by following the on-screen instructions. Next, turn on your controllers and follow the guide to set up your VR space.

Is HP compatible with VR?

Yes, many of HP’s hardware offerings are compatible with their VR and MR headsets, including many of their desktop PC and laptop models.

Why did Google stop VR?

Google began its VR shutdown in 2019. In its statement, Google claimed there was difficulty encouraging consumers to use their phones for VR, and this meant limited access to apps. The company also said they hadn’t benefited from the reach or adoption among consumers or developers that they’d hoped for. It’s around this time they also open-sourced their Cardboard project.

Does Google have a virtual reality headset?

Yes. The Google Cardboard is an extremely accessible, affordable (available for under $10 on Amazon) headset which users can easily put together themselves before entering into a quality immersive VR experience.

Does Apple have VR glasses?

Not yet, but Apple’s VR and mixed reality headset is in the works. It’s likely to stand up as a strong competitor to established VR headsets in the industry and to be the company’s predecessor to its AR glasses.

Is Apple VR a thing?

Definitely. Apple’s confirmed they’re working on VR, and their proposed headset is rumoured to be a real competitor with the Meta Quest 2, the PSVR 2, and all other leading headsets within the space. The headset’s rumoured to be Apple’s precursor to AR-focused glasses.

Is Amazon working on virtual reality?

Amazon has been working on VR hardware since 2017, and is expected to fight to become one of the world’s leading VR brands. Amazon XR is already widely used for commercial purposes, and we can expect further Amazon MR brands and AR brands to tether more towards entertainment use.

How does Amazon use augmented reality?

Amazon currently allows shoppers to liaise with AR brands to place digital products in the home. This helps consumers to assess if things like the colour or size of an item will work in a room. However, Amazon is expected to grow its Amazon VR and Amazon AR business models further in the near future.

Is mixed reality the future of AR & VR?

Yes. Mixed reality takes the best features of AR and VR and blends them into an incredible user experience. Users can interact with the physical and virtual world seamlessly, with MR replicating their natural behaviour and changes in perspectives. This goes beyond the traditional approaches of VR and AR, which place users within a space or overlay the physical world with additional information.

What are the disadvantages of VR?

VR does have a few notable disadvantages for users, such as the risk of dizziness and nausea when inhabiting the virtual environment. There are also concerns that too much time spent in virtual reality can damage eyesight. Some of the headsets used to enter virtual environments are also quite heavy and uncomfortable to wear.

What is the difference between AR and VR?

Although augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are similar in their concept, they have a few notable differences. AR requires a real-world environment to function, whereas VR creates a virtual world. AR allows users to manipulate real-world surroundings, but VR can’t do this. VR uses specialised hardware such as headsets, while AR doesn’t.

What is the price of VR?

Prices for virtual reality vary dramatically depending on the type of virtual reality hardware used. Off-the-shelf virtual reality headsets currently cost anywhere from $400 to $1,000 for a standard VR setup. However, more bespoke options are much more expensive due to the customisation and capabilities of the systems.

Who invented virtual reality?

Virtual reality was initially conceived in 1968 by Ivan Sutherland and Bob Sproull. Together, they created a head-mounted virtual reality display known as the Sword of Damocles that was directly connected to a computer. It was a cumbersome device that was suspended from a ceiling, which is where the name came from.

What is the future of virtual reality?

The future of virtual reality looks very promising thanks to further innovations and technology associated with virtual worlds. Many of the barriers that virtual reality presents, such as motion sickness or asset clipping, will be removed due to improvements in the technology and tools applicable to virtual reality.vr

I have an idea for a VR application but don't know where to start?

That’s an easy one. Our team are used to dealing with very early stage conceptual ideas. We’ll brainstorm the best solution for your business given it’s desires and constraints. Once we’ve decided on the best way forward together we’ll put together a quote and start making your idea a (virtual) reality.