Using VR for design & pitching in the construction industry

by | Jun 2, 2024

Virtual reality has the power to connect with stakeholders like never before. It goes beyond 2D floor plans and 3D renders to present a realistic, interactive view of a space. Clients will be able to visualise the room’s depth and tell how much light is coming into their space. There are great benefits to using VR to plan, pitch and present concepts and designs within the construction industry. We take a look at how VR can be applied to this sector, and the advantages it will offer your business.

VR connects with potential buyers and addresses their concerns or questions. Construction projects can be dragged out due to community opposition. With VR, any person can view a simulation and understand it, from architects to clients. They can walk down an exact digital copy of their street and see the proposed building perfectly placed within the context of the streetscape. VR’s gone beyond being an exclusive marketing pitch used by government agencies – it’s now even employed to showcase apartment buildings, office spaces, and family homes. In each case, VR can be used to connect with stakeholders and demonstrate the advantages of a proposed build.

VR property visualisations can be viewed on phones or laptop screens, with headsets offering deeper immersion. Users will truly feel that they’re present within a space, with the freedom to explore. With additional hand tracking, interactivity and physics, visualisation becomes even more immersive. Best of all, developers can do all this using the same models, reducing time and cutting costs – so there are great benefits for your business when you incorporate VR within your design process.

What’s more, anyone around the world can view a construction site using VR. Viewers and potential buyers across the globe can access an incredible pool of talent, without the need to travel. All they’ll need is a VR headset or a screen to enter into a virtual tour or walkthrough. VR also helps designers make decisions, as they can simulate a variety of options and assess each of them for overall impact and performance. These alternatives can even be pitched to the wider public, helping designers to make decisions backed by the opinions of the general public.

Virtual reality offers incredible benefits for pitching and design within the construction industry. Since its inception, the VR industry has grown while still remaining novel and exciting. It allows designers and project overseers to attract potential buyers and retain interest with intensely realistic walkthroughs and simulations of buildings even before the first construction work begins. If you’re considering VR for your next construction project, it’s important you choose a 3D rendering studio and VR/AR creative agency that can help bring your dreams and designs to life. At 3D Walkabout, we’re passionate about creating realistic, stunning renders of properties guaranteed to impress consumers and generate interest and sales. We’ll work with you to understand your design and marketing needs and how VR can help you get there.

Summary: How can VR be used for design & pitching in construction industry?

Revolutionising the construction industry, virtual reality offers immersive, realistic views of spaces, addressing stakeholders’ concerns effectively.

Architects, clients, and communities can explore proposed projects in a detailed digital environment, fostering better communication and understanding.

Property visualisations, accessible through various devices including headsets, provide an unparalleled sense of presence and interactivity.

It facilitates global access to construction sites, expanding talent pools and enabling international collaboration without travel requirements.

Designers can use VR to simulate and pitch various options, gathering valuable public feedback to inform decision-making and project direction.


What is metaverse architecture?

Metaverse architecture is a new type of architectural design that takes advantage of new technologies, like VR, to build structures that are more than just physical. Metaverse architecture is about creating buildings that have a digital presence as well as a physical one.

How is AR and VR used in architecture?

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are technologies that have been used in architecture and design for many years. VR can be used to create a 3D model of a building or environment, which is then viewed using a headset. AR overlays computer-generated images in the real world to create an interactive experience.

Can you design a house in VR?

The answer is yes. You can design a house in virtual reality, and this is only the beginning. The technology behind virtual reality (VR) is rapidly improving, making it more accessible to the average person. More importantly, it’s changing how we interact with the world around us.

Do architects use VR?

Yes, architects do use virtual reality (VR) for architecture and design. VR is a technology that provides the user with an immersive experience. VR can be used to design buildings, models, and more. Architects use VR to create virtual copies of the buildings they are designing.

How VR is used in architecture?

VR allows architects to see how their designs look before they’re built, which means they can make changes before construction starts. This saves time and money as well as reduces the need for costly rework later on. It also allows them to see how their designs would look in real life.


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